Privacy Statement

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Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

Publication Date: April 19th, 2021

On May 25th, 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR or Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals about the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) entered into force.

The R&T Group is very concerned about the protection of your personal data. Therefore, we commit ourselves to process and protect your personal data with the utmost care, respecting these regulations. With this statement we want to inform you as completely as possible about the processing operations we perform. We will also explain how we, as the person responsible for processing, collect, use and store your personal data.

The R&T Group may amend or update this statement because of changes in our practices regarding the processing of your personal data or as a result of changes in the legislation. We always post the updated version, with publication date, on our websites and we invite you to read it regularly.

1. Who are we?

The R&T Group is the umbrella brand name for the companies RST consultancy, SCOPE and Praetorian Engineering. At the time of the preparation of this statement, the R&T Group is not yet a fully-fledged umbrella company. However, all processes regarding the processing of your personal data already take place at group level. For this reason, this statement was prepared from the R&T Group. In practice, however, we distinguish 3 separate controllers within the R&T Group:

The R&T Group is composed of 3 SMEs and has fewer than 250 employees. For this reason, the R&T Group has not appointed a data protection officer (DPO). However, the R&T Group has an internal reference person on data protection.

You can contact our internal reference person using the following information:

2. What is the scope of this declaration?

This statement applies to all natural persons who meet with the R&T Group (for example in the context of the execution of a project, assignment or service) or to whoever visits our websites.

Before we explain how we process your personal data, we would like to clarify the following terms:

3. How do we obtain your personal data?

Depending on the concrete nature of our relationship with you, different types of interactions between you and the R&T Group may be possible. During these interactions we collect and process certain personal data. We only process this personal data after you have provided it to us yourself.

We collect certain personal data when you visit the websites of R&T Group companies. Specifically, the following situations are involved:

In addition, we collect certain personal data when:

4. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

We do not engage in automated decision making or profiling based on the personal data we collect.

Finally, we also process your personal data if you make a request to exercise your rights (see also point 11).

5. What personal data do we process?

Depending on the specific purpose (see above), we may process the following personal data within the scope of our interaction:

6. What is the legal basis for processing this personal data?

We process your personal data on the following legal grounds:

7. With whom do we share your personal data?

We do not disclose your personal data to third parties for commercial use.

We will share your personal data with third parties:

On our websites you may also find links to the websites of third parties. Although we have selected these websites and third parties with care, we are not responsible for the way in which these third parties handle your personal data. We therefore recommend that you always carefully read the privacy statement of these organizations.

We also share your personal data with processors. These are specialized parties that we rely on for certain services to improve the quality of our services. These parties are contractually bound to us and must follow our instructions regarding the protection of your personal data. In that case we also ensure that the processor receives only those data necessary for the execution of the assignment and that the processor undertakes to treat the personal data securely and confidentially and to use them only within the framework of the execution of their tasks.

Without being exhaustive, entities such as our IT service providers, etc., receive certain of your personal data.

8. Where do we process and store your personal data?

Your personal data will be processed and stored by us in Belgium or in any other country where our service providers have facilities. It is our clear intention to ensure that your personal data is only stored and processed within the European Union.

9. How long do we keep your personal data?

If the law provides for a retention period, we will retain your personal data for this legally stipulated period.
If the law does not provide for a specific period, we will determine this period ourselves, based on the purpose for which your personal data was collected. In doing so, we consider the period necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to settle disputes or to enforce our agreements. We do not keep your data longer than necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected.
Where we use your consent to collect and process your personal data, we will only use this data until you withdraw your consent.

10. How do we secure your personal data?

We consider your personal data to be strictly confidential and we therefore provide appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against destruction, loss, accidental or unlawful access or any other unauthorized processing of your personal data.

We have established various technical means to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, processing, modification or destruction by third parties. In addition, internally at the R&T Group, only those persons who need your data in order to perform their duties have access to your personal data.

11. What rights can you exercise and to whom can you turn for this purpose?

If we should collect and process personal data other than those listed in this statement, we will inform you in advance of which data are involved, for what purpose the collection/processing is done and to whom the data will be provided. In that case you have the same rights as set out above.

If you have a question or complaint regarding the processing of your personal data or if you wish to exercise one of the above rights, please contact our internal data protection contact:

These rights are free and you can exercise these rights at any time. We undertake to respond to your request within 1 month.

If you believe that the processing of your personal data is in breach of the GDPR, you can also lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority using the following details:
Drukpersstraat 35
1000 Brussel
+32 2 274 48 00