Cookie Policy

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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Publication date: 19 April 2021

The R&T Group is very concerned about the protection of your personal data. For a detailed explanation of how we, as data controller, collect, use and store your personal data, please refer to the R&T Group Privacy Statement.

In line with this statement, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Electronic Communications Act, we provide in the present policy further information on the use of cookies on our websites. The R&T Group may amend this policy to reflect changes in our practices or changes to legislation. We will always post the updated version, with publication date, on our websites and we invite you to check it regularly.

1. Who are we?

The R&T Group is the umbrella brand for the companies RST consultancy, SCOPE and Praetorian Engineering. At the time of drafting this declaration, R&T Group is not yet a fully-fledged umbrella company. However, all processes concerning the processing of your personal data already take place at group level. For this reason, this declaration has been drawn up by the R&T Group. In practice, however, we distinguish 3 separate controllers within the R&T Group:

The R&T Group is composed of 3 SMEs and has less than 250 employees. For this reason the R&T Group has not appointed a data protection officer (DPO). However the R&T Group has an internal reference person for data protection. You can contact this person via the following data:

2. What are cookies?

De R&T Group manages the following websites:

These websites make use of cookies. These are small pieces of information and text files that are stored by a browser on your computer. Cookies are not active software and therefore do not damage your computer.

3. Which cookies do we use?

We do not use cookies of a commercial nature, nor do we pass on personal data via the cookies to third parties that do not belong to the R&T Group.

If you wish to receive more information about the use of cookies by R&T Group, please contact us using the details above.